Wednesday, January 11, 2012

noooo! Culture & Identity is almost over!

 I can't believe Culture & Identity is almost over! This class was not only really fun but it also taught me a lot of things!  To tell the truth, I was a bit worried about this class when it started! I thought it would be really dull but after 2 classes, it became my favorite class! I look forward to it all the time! This class makes you learn things without even knowing it! Confusing? Yes! Unlike other subjects like Math/Bio, I can actually relate to everything we learned from this class to my daily life!! I love this class! I am just sad that it isn't a full year course! :(

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Personal space

Over the weekend, i started to realize how much we love personal space. We always say things like, "This is my space", and everything but this never happens in India. There is NO privacy in India what so ever. If you say that you want some "privacy" then people think that you are a horrible person, but in America, that's all we do. All we want is privacy but what is ironic is that we also have social sites like : Facebook, and the last thing those sites do is let you have privacy.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Tomorrow is going to be New Year'! I still cant believe that 2011 is almost over and soon it will be 2012! I was watching an Indian Talk Show and they are talking about different New Year traditions around the world. As they were discussing about all these different countries I was really surprised with all the traditions! For example: In Brazil, priestesses of the local macumba voodoo cult come out and do some rituals. That is very different from what the American culture does during New Years, which is to just party together/have fun/etc. Not only that but while I was thinking about all these New Year traditions, I realized that the Indian culture has a very different tradition too. Our New Years is called Ugadi and it is on March 23.  On that day we usually pray/party/have fireworks/etc :)

Even though everyone around the world has different New Year traditions, we all still do something called, "making resolutions".

I never end up following mine but maybe this year I will! 


Christmas Traditions

The past few days have been really hectic. I had no time to do anything and I still have bunch of homework that I have left to do. If we care so much about time,why is it that almost everyone in our culture is a procrastinator? Anyway, not only that but my sister's friend who lives in Spain, called us few days after Christmas and as we were talking, I realized that their Christmas traditions are really different from ours. It is amazing that where you live and the culture you are involved in influences the ways a person celebrates their holidays.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


I was doing my homework today and I realized how I hated wasting time. When I was in India last summer, I remember how annoyed I was at everyone just wasting their time. I mean its like they had nothing to do!  For example: My cousins who were in college obviously had a lot of homework but I never saw them doing any of it. Every time i saw them, they were either talking to their friends, watching tv , and hanging out with the family. I even asked them about it and they didn't care much about it . They said that the time doesn't matter and they will get it done eventually. I wasn't the only one who felt so annoyed at everyone but my parents also told me that they felt everyone was just wasting their time doing nothing useful. I mean they get their work done eventually but still! After remembering this incident and after learning everything about "time"  in the class I realized that this was just another aspect of the culture in India.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Technology is taking over!

Technology is taking over our lives. I was on the computer today at around 11 and the next thing i knew it was already 2. I mean I don't even know how I wasted so much time!. We as a culture try to do things in the fastest method possible to save "time", and because of that we created many different inventions that enable us to do things quicker then we can manually do but what we don't understand is the fact that technology is taking over our lives! People are closer to their laptops then their own family. Some people i know take pictures not for the memories but for Facebook. Because of our cultural importance for time and efficiency we are letting technology/internet  take us over day by day.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Ahh! Christmas is so close yet so far away! I can't wait! The music, the lights, the decorations even the ad's on T.V. are already making me want Christmas to be here already! Everybody loves Christmas! It is the one of the few holidays where people can take a break from their busy time oriented lives and relax with the family! Our culture is very time/work oriented and that results us having a busy life but holidays like Christmas are one of the few holidays that let us truly relax and have a great time with our family! The warmth of the fire, the smell of peppermint, and the christmas movies on t.v. just add to the fun and relaxation! No SCHOOL! is another big plus! I really can't wait till christmas! Only 21 more days till relaxation and fun!

hahhaa <3 Christmas